All books,  Mental Space Psychology,  NLP



it is an addition to the symptom oriented approach of the DSM-5 and ICD-11 and helps understand the unconscious spatial cognition underlying all mental activity, it is an instrument for clinical psychological researchers, psychotherapists and psychiatrists alike, and
it is an illustrated guide to the spatial processes that underly all manner of psychological problems and mental disorders.

The illustrations in the MSD-1 give a visual explanation of personal time-line, social panorama, self-representation, spiritual panorama and related spatial models asbrought together by the International Laboratory for Mental Space Research (ILMSR)

Lucas Derks combines his fascination for the mind with insights acquired as researcher, trainer and therapist. In mental space psychology every type of experience and form of cognition, emotion and perception is regarded from how these are located in the 3-D space in and around the person.

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